Dear Thornham residents and friends
We always knew Thornham was a very special village ... but we never expected such amazing support for Jubilee Meadow. Thanks to your generosity - and the backing from Aviva - we reached our target of £12,000 in less than a week. Our stretch target of £20,000 in less than a fortnight. And our Crowdfunding has now closed at just under £30,000! We can now start to plan and then plant the memorial grove with trees of varying height, all staked, protected from deer and rabbits and probably fitted with a watering system. Thank you to every resident, visitor and friend of Thornham: Jubilee Meadow is your place, a joy for today and a legacy for our children and grandchildren tomorrow.
What happens next? The first thing we need to do is to honour the rewards which were promised to different levels of supporters. Those who pledged £50 will receive a small packet of wildflower seeds as a gesture of thanks. We hope to get these off to you by the end of November. To those who pledged £100 we promised to plant a sapling. These are being collected from Norfolk County Council early in December and will be planted immediately after that.
The pledges of £200 or more have been promised a tree and a memorial plaque. This will take a little bit longer. We are awaiting a design plan from our preferred supplier, who will provide a mix of established trees. We will be contacting you about the choice of trees – if you have a special request, do let us know. We will try to meet your request, but this will be dependent on the balance and mix we want to achieve across the meadow. We will also be in touch regarding the wording of the plaques. In any event, the objective is to have all this done, and the trees planted by end of February 2024.
On behalf of Thornham United Charities and the Jubilee Meadow Working Group, thank you!
Patricia Hewitt
Chair, Thornham United Charities
